Hello There! I'm Rachael Kruse.

My husband is the funniest guy I know.

I give HARD high-fives.

I enjoy taking pictures & forcing my family to take selfies with me.

I like to cuddle.



I'm mom to this cute red head. I adore watching and getting to know her. She is the most observant person I have ever met... & so I think she will be an emotional intelligent genius.

When I was pregnant I threw up every day. I find myself pretty entertaining.

I like gray, but I'm not boring

I enjoy telling my story on Instagram. So click on this photo and follow me!

I can't get enough of little adventures to beautiful places with my family. And I like to sit on the floor.

Becoming a mom has taught me how to LOVE so much deeper. I have a greater appreciation for who people truly are.

My favorite color is yellow.

I always have tea with me... but never have a to-go cup. Open mug.

I will chase amazing light. Unfortunately I live in Seattle, so sometimes it's not around.